Stud Dogs

This has been moved to Board - as it needs to be overhauled. The Public & membership cannot see it, but left for reference in the overhaul process. 

Standing  your male dog at stud

You have a nice male Picard at home… lying on the couch, eating your shoes. He is a wonderful dog to you and your family… he is loving and beautiful. You are very happy with him. You know this is a rare breed and diversity in the gene pool is a good thing. People tell you all the time that he is really nice and ask if you are going to use him for breeding.

Elton for Corinne

You have considered it... But where do you start the process?

1. First, Your Dog Needs To Be Registered

Directions to register with AKC are on the club website on this page: Click Here

Register him with United Kennel Club also. Some breeders register their litters with both.

IF your dog is an European import, he will need to have a DNA profile done through AKC. This is a cheek swab. It takes 6 weeks to process. AKC DNA. (You will also need to have this done if your dog produces more than 7 litters)

Check PawPeds to see if your dog is in the Berger Picard pedigree database. If your dog is not on there, scan his pedigree and send it to Val Black to be added. This is VERY helpful for breeders.

2. Your Dog Needs To Be Health Tested

Start with the eyes: an OFA examination by a board certified ophthalmologist (make sure that the ophthalmologist works with the OFA as he/she will already have the necessary forms for you to fill out and send in) . This needs to be done EVERY year and the results need to be sent into OFA so that ALL the breeders can see this. More information here: Click Here

When your dog turns 2, (not before then) he will need his hips checked for Hip Dysplasia. You have a choice there: OFA or Penn Hip. But again the results need to be posted… otherwise no one will even consider using him. More information here: Click Here

Have his elbows done when your have his hips done. It will only cost a bit more but will save time and trouble in the long run.

Have his heart checked for any abnormalities by a certified cardiologist who works with OFA and the thyroid checked as well – OFA requires a specific type of test and form that you must specify and bring with you to the veterinarian. It is a good idea to check with your veterinarian that he/she is familiar with the this form and the accompanying procedure prior to making your appointment in order to avoid a possible delay and of OFA not accepting the test because the specific procedures were not followed meaning you would have to pay for another visit to the veterinarian and another test in order for the OFA to accept the results. The more testing you have done the better picture you draw for potential mates.Check out this complete list of testing on this dog– it even tells you that he has all of his teeth: Click Here

3. Your Dog Needs To Be Evaluated

He needs to be shown in conformation. He doesn’t need to be a Best in Show winner but having some sort of show title says that judges have looked at him and think that he is nice and worthy of being used for breeding. It also says that he doesn’t have any glaring faults or disqualification. Now that we have moved into the herding group, you can send him out with a dog handler and pay to have him shown.

Get a Canine Good Citizen title on your dog. Most kennel club/training centers offer classes. This title tells people your dog knows how to behave. This is important to breeders.

Bring him to a BPCA Elevage. Elevage judges will have a tremendous amount of experience with the Picard and his/her evaluation will be of tremendous value that is not available in any other show here in the USA both for you and the breeders who will consider him. Plus the evaluations are published in a book for posterity. What is an Elevage? Follow our BPCA site for the next Elevage dates. 

4. Your Dog Needs To Be Seen

No one is going to use him if they don’t know what he looks like. So take lots of pictures. Have a professional take some shots.

Come to events where lots of Picard breeders are going to be. Our Annual Meeting/Show for one. The National Elevage entry includes a book with your dog’s picture and evaluation.

Start a facebook page or website for him. (Again, lots of pictures)

Join the BPCA, if you aren’t a member already. This will put you in contact with breeders.

Stud dog owners are just as responsible for their offspring as bitch owners.5. Be Prepared To Stand Him At Stud

Stud dog owners are just as responsible for their offspring as bitch owners.

Have him collected to make sure that his sperm counts are good, healthy and viable for shipping.

Locate a reproductive vet or a vet that knows and has experience with how to collect and ship semen. This is extremely important.

Be available for the breeder. Bitches only come into heat twice a year so when the time is right, you may need to drop everything to be able to accommodate the breeder.

Have his semen frozen. If his health checks are all good… this has lots of merit. In the future, unlike the females whose eggs cannot be stored if any health issues come up, it is only the males whose health checks are all clear that have been frozen that may be able to reverse genetic health issues.

Always have a signed contract with the breeder with specific details spelled out: ie how many pups constitute a litter, who pays for what. Make sure you find someone that you can work with.