Policies: ARTICLE V - Committees

SECTION 1:  Committees Job Description

Breeder List Coordinator

The Breeder List Coordinator is appointed by the Board of Directors to manage and maintain the list of breeders included on the BPCA website. In order to achieve this task, the Coordinator is responsible for the following:

• Follow the Board’s directions regarding the requirements a breeder must meet in order to be listed. Any changes to these requirements by the Board are to be included by the Coordinator when evaluating breeders.

• Receive and review applications from breeders wishing to be on the breeder list. The Coordinator will ensure that the application is complete and that a signed Breeders’ Code of Ethics is included. The Coordinator will use current OFA data to ensure that the breeder has met all required tests and criteria before recommending to the Board that the breeder be added to the list. The Coordinator will send each breeder a letter stating whether he/she has been accepted. If a breeder is not accepted, the letter will state which dogs are not in compliance with the requirements and what steps need to be taken to bring those dogs and the breeder into compliance. In the case of any disputes that cannot be resolved, the Coordinator is to work with the Board to resolve the situation.

• The Coordinator is to do an annual review of the breeders listed. All of these breeders are to be given at least 6 months’ notice in order to get any tests that need to be done on their dogs (e.g. annual eye exam, all tests for pups that turned 2 during the year, any new breeding stock added). Any breeders found to not be in compliance after the 6 month notice will be sent a letter stating which dogs are not in compliance. The breeder will then have one month to complete the required tests. If this does not happen, the Coordinator will inform the Board. The Coordinator can also recommend removing a breeder from the list at any time for violating the Breeders’ Code of Ethics. The Board is to approve removing a breeder from the list before their name is taken down.

• The Coordinator will bring any situation involving special circumstances to the Board for consideration. The Board must approve or deny the listing of a breeder with any special circumstances.

Membership Committee

• Receive applications for membership in the Club. Provide list of applicants to theRecording Secretary and to the editor of “Picardier” for publication, and receive any resulting letters of membership comment.

• Apprise the applicant of the status of his/her application and notify him/her with the Board’s decision once the application has been voted on.

• The membership chairman will keep files of membership applications.

• New associate members are sent the most recent available copy of the “Picardier"and invited to join all social media groups.

• Associate memberships are not transferable.

• Neither the membership application forms nor sponsor questionnaire can be changed without Board approval (2/3rds majority).


2/15/2024 Addendum:   Membership Committee Addendum

BPCA National Specialty


10% of all auction proceeds will go to the AKC PAC (Political Action Committee) each year beginning in the year 2021.(05/17/21)

Sweepstakes Judge (Judges Contract)

Lunch on the day of the assignment and the judges’ dinner.

Judge agrees to speak at the judges dinner and give the members a general critique of the entry.

Sweeps Judge agrees to provide a written critique of Best in Sweeps and Best Opposite in Sweeps plus first through fourth place finishers in all classes within 60 days of the specialty.

Conformation Judge (Judges Contract)

Lodging and all meals during the specialty including the judges dinner on the evening of the last day of the assignment.

Reasonable transportation costs includes lowest economy airfare, booked 30 days in advance.

The conformation judge agrees to provide a written critique of all winners plus first through fourth place finishers in all classes within 60 days of the specialty.

Judge agrees to speak at the judges’ dinner and give the members a general critique of the entry.

Judge agrees not to judge any Berger Picard assignment 3 months prior to or 3 months after the Berger Picard Club of America National Specialty (year of Specialty inserted here) in the USA or Canada.

The Show Committee will arrange Judges’ Hospitality and Judges’ gifts for all judges.(08/2017)

Nomination of Judges for BPCA Conformation Events

The Board will solicit recommendations from Active Members for the Conformation and Sweepstakes Judges.(08/2017)

Nomination of Judges for BPCA Herding, and all other ACK sanctioned performance events

The Board will solicit recommendations from active members for the herding, and AKC sanctioned performance event judge.(02/11/18)

Judges Selection Policy 

Compile suggestions from active members in preparing future judges’ ballots.Beginning in 2021 at its first board meeting, the board members will submit names of judges for the “judges selection list”. Any names that are approved by the AKC will be accepted and put on this list. Judges who have completed the BPCA Judges education workshop will be included and noted. The list of suggested names will be sent to the Active members by April 1.

Nomination of Conformation Judges. 

A current list of Conformation judges will be sent out to the Active membership with a nomination ballot. Active members will be asked to nominate up to three judges and return their nominations to the Judge’s selectionCommittee. Deadline for suggestions from members will be June 1. The committee counts the ballots and reports the results to the board by July 1. The board then instructs the recording secretary to place the top five nominees on the ballot. In case of ties, the total number may exceed five. For example, three judges could tie for first place and three judges tie for second place. In such a case, all six judges would be listed and the remaining names would be dropped.

Nomination of Sweepstakes Judges. 

The membership may submit suggested names to be included on the ballot. June 1 is the deadline for suggestions. Selection will follow the same protocol as the conformation judge procedure.

Nomination of Herding Trial Judges. 

The Specialty show committee will select the herding trial judge and submit their selection to the board for approval.

Timing: The final ballots will be mailed out to the membership with the annual election materials. Votes by the membership will be counted according to the same rules as election procedures. Within 30 days of the election, the judge with the most votes will be contacted by the BPCA recording Secretary regarding their choice of the next two years of specialty assignments. The second place judge will then be given the opportunity to take the other year’s assignment. The Treasurer will send contracts for signature within 30 days of election. Once returned, the Treasurer will distribute the signed contract to the BPCA Secretary & that corresponding years Show Chair. The nominating ballots and tally sheets will be maintained by theSecretary for reference until that year’s election is complete.(11/19/20)

Suggestions for the 2023-2024 Conformation Judges’ Ballot

Dear BPCA Members,

You may suggest up to three judges. A list of BPCA board proposed judges appears on the reverse side for your convenience. You may also suggest judges not listed. For your convenience, a downloadable list ofAKC’s most current list of approved Berger Picard conformation judges has been posted on the Club’s website (Picards.us) under the club news. To have your suggestions considered, your name and address must appear in the upper left-hand corner of your envelope, and return to:

BPCA Judges Selection Committee C/O Berger Picard

27223 South 88th Avenue Herding Way, 

Neverland 00011

Deadline: June 1, 20XX

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

Please put your name and address in the upper left hand corner and mail to the Judges’ Selection Chairman at the above address.

Judge Replacement

In the event a judge engaged by the BPCA to judge its National Specialty is unable to fulfill his/her assignment, the judge(s), in contracted order, will be given first right of refusal. If a substitute is not established, then the results from the most recent judges’ election will be utilized, starting with the next judge on the list until the position is filled.

In the event an advertised judge is unable to fulfill his/her assignment either after the opening of the show or after part of the classes have already been judged, the BPCA will substitute a judge according to the AKC Rules and Regulations, Chapter 7, Sections10-11. (02/11/18)

Premium List

The BPCA Board of Directors shall have an opportunity to review the premium list for theNational Specialty before the printing and distribution of same.(02/11/18)

Sweepstakes Handling and Championships


Dogs shown in Sweepstakes must also be entered in one of the regular classes, at the regular entry fee, and on the regular entry form. Indicate your Sweepstakes Class with the age division in the space provided for "Additional Class."

No professional handlers will be allowed to show dogs in Sweepstakes unless the dog is owned or co-owned by the professional handler as of the closing date for the show for which the Sweepstakes entry is being made.

Puppies who, according to the owner(s) records, have completed their championships on the date of the show, are not eligible to be shown in the Sweepstakes Classes.(02/11/18)

Trophy Committee policy changes are to be approved by the Board (2/3rds majority)

Class and Challenge Trophies and Ribbons 


The Board will assign two positions for Trophy Chairpersons (Specialty and Permanent)

Specialty Trophy Chair 

(member of the Show Committee for current year) whose responsibilities are as follows:

• Set up and secure volunteers to man the trophy table.

• At the Specialty oversee the setup of trophy tables and give direction to the Trophy Committee.

• At the Specialty make sure correct trophies are available for winners’ photographs.

• Inventory any leftover class placement trophies or mementos and turn over to Permanent Trophy Chair for the following years’ use.

Specialty Ribbons

Specialty ribbons shall contain the AKC trademark, the BPCA logo or trademark, the Specialty dates, city and state. Ribbons for events other than AKC events shall contain the BPCA logo or trademark. Per AKC Rules, no other ribbons can be awarded in the ring, nor can such ribbons be recognized in the Specialty catalog or premium list.

Specialty Class Trophies

• The Club will be responsible for all regular class trophies, including performance events. All trophies purchased for the Specialty will be of similar quality.

• No dates or placements are to be engraved on any trophy, only the Club name or logo is to be permanently engraved on the trophy.

• The treasurer shall provide both trophy chairs with the names of currently paid members, in order to determine which winners are eligible for challenge trophies.

• Challenge trophies may only be retired by an active or associate member.

Permanent Trophy Chair

(Board member) whose responsibilities are as follows:

• Act as the liaison to the Board for the Specialty Trophy Chair.

• Order all ribbons and trophies (class placement, non-regular and mementos) for theSpecialty show. Obtain budget from the Board.

• Purchase all class placement, non-regular and mementos for all events from Woodbury Pewter. Obtain budget from the Board.

• Inspect all ribbons and trophies upon delivery for accuracy.

• See to the transport of all ribbons and trophies to Specialty.

Procedures to follow:

• Before June of each year place order with Woodbury Pewter. Note-can be shipped directly to the Show Chair or other representative that is close to the show site. If transporting them yourself, have them shipped to your home address. Billing will be sent directly to the Club Treasurer for payment to Woodbury Pewter.

• Send a list of the sponsors and billing amounts to the Club Treasurer. In turn, the Treasurer will invoice each sponsor for his or her sponsored trophy. Lack of payment can result in forfeiting the sponsorship.

• Advise show chair 8 weeks in advance of Specialty of number of tables required for trophy display, so that the appropriate number of tables may be rented or secured.

• Sponsors for the mementos to the Challenge trophy and the Non-Regular placement trophies carry over from year to year. In the Winter of each year, a letter must be sent to those sponsors to see if they are interested in continuing that sponsorship. This must be done in time for submission of the premium list. Work with the Show Chair and Secretary for the timelines.


• Maintain possession of all Club challenge trophies and any inventory of placement and memento trophies.

• Challenge trophies will be held by the Club until retired.

• Maintain proper packing and storage of all challenge trophies.

• Have all challenge trophies table ready (cleaned and polished) for Specialty each year.

• Have all challenge trophies properly engraved per results of previous year.

• Deliver or arrange shipping for challenge trophies to Specialty each year.

• Follow established procedures for replacing retired challenge trophies.

• All challenge trophies should be placed or mounted on wood bases (reduces engraving cost to the Club)

• Any non-member winning an award that has a challenge trophy would have his/her name engraved on the trophy in parentheses denoting a non-member. And would not receive a leg on said trophy.(04/2016) (02/11/18)

Finance Committee Responsibility:

• The Finance Committee is established to oversee the funding of the Club.Procedures:

• Its membership consists of the President, Treasurer and one other Board member, appointed by the President.Duties:

• To prepare a fiscal accounting of assets beginning in January of each year and to submit it to the Board at its January Board meeting.

• As requested by the Board, to review project proposals and/or projected expenditures for potential impact on the Club’s financial position and prepare recommendation to the Board.

BPCA Health Committee


To communicate with veterinarians, researchers and other organizations with regard to breed specific health/genetic issues and to research and convey that information to Berger Picard owners.


The governing body of the Health Committee is the Berger Picard Club of America.Board of Directors

• Appointees must be full club members in good standing with the Berger Picard Club of America.

• The Chair shall be appointed annually by the Board of Directors.

• A Chairperson or member is not prohibited from holding any other BPCA office while serving on the Health Committee provided they have sufficient time to effectively contribute to the Committee’s work.

• The Chair shall recommend Committee members preferably, but not necessarily with a background in science/veterinary/health and with interests in advances in canine health and genetics. Committee members are approved annually by the BPCA Board of Directors.

• Committee Chair Qualifications – The Chair should preferably, but not necessarily, have a background in veterinary or biomedical science or in-depth knowledge/experience in and understanding of canine health. The chair must possess a working knowledge of veterinary and scientific principles and terminology which will allow them to understand health issues and effectively communicate with scientific professionals and Berger Picard owners. The Chair must also possess strong administration and organizational skills to steer the Committee to fulfill the irresponsibilities.


• Develop and maintain a health database for members to exchange health information in an open forum.

• Develop subcommittee(s) to address a specific health condition if warranted.

• Develop recommendations for the Canine Health Information Center (“CHIC”) as part of the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals database.

• Educate the membership through timely online material, including links to scientific studies and articles. Provide articles for publication in the BPCA Newsletter.

• To develop and maintain educational information targeted to general health care of the Berger Picard.

• To develop and maintain a knowledge base of medical problems specific to theBerger Picard including clinical resources to assist with diagnoses, treatment and management of breed specific health issues.

• Educate the membership about the need for targeted health funding.

• Provide educational materials for breeders to include with their puppy packets

• Educate the public and veterinarians about breed-specific conditions and new and on-going research for the same.

• Monitor the current email/contact for the BPCA Health Committee. Replies are sent to every inquiry with an appropriate response, within an established time frame.

• Member Participation: Encourage breeders and owners to participate in donating samples by organizing collections at regional and National specialties and in open discussions of health issues.

• Communicate with the Health Committee of fellow national breed clubs to coordinate collaborative funding contributions when/if applicable.

• Communicate Berger Picard health issues to the American Kennel Club’s CanineHealth Foundation (“CHF”) through selection of a CHIC Liaison.


• Submit an annual report to the Board of Directors for the annual Board meeting. Submit reports for monthly Board meeting as needed.

• Summarize committee activity since the last Board of Directors meeting.

• Be part of the international community by working with Berger Picard Clubs around the world in regard to the health of our breed and the open exchange of information.

• Include in the report any needed changes to this Committee.

CHIC Liaison


• The AKC/CHIC Liaison is to act as the representative for the BPCA to the AKC CanineHealth Information Center.


• The CHIC Liaison is chosen by the Board and is an ex officio member of the Health Committee.


• Receive quarterly reports of the Berger Picards newly enrolled or status updated in the CHIC roster.

• Make this information available to the Board and to the editor of the newsletter.

• Encourage breeders to perform the recommended health screens and submit the information to the database.

• Communicate to the OFA information regarding the health testing of Berger Picards as directed by the Board of the BPCA.



• The Insurance Committee is established to select and purchase liability insurance for club events, Directors and officers and bond the Treasurer.


• Its membership consists of the Finance Committee


• Review insurance company prices yearly to secure the best coverage at the most affordable price.

Internet Committee     

•The Board has final approval for all material posted on the website.     

•Maintain website and report periodically to the Board on its activity.     

•The Internet Committee covers the website, Facebook page, chat lists, etc.(02/11/18)

BPCA Breeder Directory

The following directory of Berger Picard breeders is provided by the Berger Picard Club ofAmerica strictly as a public service. Listed breeders have signed the BPCA Standard ofBehavior for Breeders (put in a hyperlink for this) and have authorized the publication of their names and contact information on this website and are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of their listings. Please be advised that the BPCA does not inspect or monitor the facilities, breeding practices or sale, refund or return policies of its member-breeders, and therefore provides no guarantee, warranty or endorsement, express or implied, with respect to any listed breeder, or animals produced or sold by them.(02/11/2018)

Guidelines for Listing Picard Breeders on Club Website

Referred breeders must be a BPCA member in good standing, have signed the standard of ethical conduct for breeders, and meet all the following requirements before their kennel, litters, and/or stud dogs will be listed.

• All active and retired breeding stock born after 2003 that have ever produced puppies must be listed and have a CHIC number.

• The eye and hip tests done for the CHIC number must be done after the dog/bitch is over 24 months old.

• Active breeding stock must maintain a current CHIC number with updated eye exams.

• For any litter registered with your kennel name, both the sire and the dam must be over 2 years old and have a current CHIC number before they are bred.

• Retired breeding stock is not required to have a current CHIC number but, because of late onset PRA, retired dogs/bitches must have at least one updated eye exam when they are at least 8 years old or older.

• Primary registered owners or breeders who have leased a dog/bitch, are responsible to comply with the health testing and guidelines prior to breeding that dog/bitch.

• A co-owned dog/bitch that does not live with the breeder does not need to be listed.

• Dogs/bitches over the age of 2 who have never produced puppies and are altered or will be altered are not required to be listed or have a CHIC number. Owners are strongly encouraged to have a DNA sample submitted, and hip, and eye tests done.

• Current CHIC numbers for both the sire and bitch will be required before any litters will be listed.

• If imported semen is used for a litter, equivalent health tests are strongly recommended.

• In some cases, where there are extenuating circumstances, the Board of Directors will decide if the breeder can be listed.(11/19/20)

Policy for Yahoo Groups Page For Berger Picard Club of America, Inc. Members

The American Berger Picard information list (officially endorsed by the Board ofDirectors) is provided for the dissemination of information to the membership of the Berger Picard Club of America, Inc. and is limited to members in good standing. We welcome those wanting to learn, share, offer experiences and advice for the health and welfare of the individual Picard, which ultimately benefits our breed.This is a moderated forum

List Guidelines:

• All messages require moderator approval. Messages containing inappropriate or antagonistic content, cyber bullying or flaming will be deleted.

• It is our intention to provide a safe forum for civil discussion in which BPCA members are invited to participate. Before sending your message, ask yourself, is this message intended to contribute and cultivate positive discussion or is it intended to provoke, alienate and cause discord.

• Respect those receiving the digest and snip your posts, do not forward entire previous messages.

• All messages must be signed.

• No URLs. Take note, if you have signatures lines please remove them.

• No litter announcements or stud dog solicitations.

• Do not forward or cross post messages or portions of messages to any other forum or individual. Any member proven to have done so will immediately forfeit access to this forum and will be removed.(02/11/18)

Policy for Facebook

The Berger Picard Club of America’s Facebook page (endorsed by the Board of Directors) is provided to answer questions concerning Club policy and procedure, Bylaw inquiries, provide information to Club members about upcoming national specialties and supported entries and for members to share our Picards’ accomplishments.The BPCA represents the AKC and is expected to conduct itself accordingly. New members come to this Club page to learn about the Club functions and AKC events and a certain decorum of behavior is expected among its members.Comments designed to antagonize, intimidate, cyber bully, harass or containing subject matter that does not advance the mission of this Club set forth in its Bylaws are unacceptable and will be removed by an administrator. Our intention is to provide a safe place for civil discussion.(02/11/18)

Governance Committee

The job of the Governance Committee is to assure that the Board of Directors operates under the legal requirements of the state of Virginia, the Bylaws of the American KennelClub, and the Bylaws of the Berger Picard Club of America. 

The Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing the BPCA Bylaws and recommending amendments needed to remain current with changes in state laws and AKC policies.


• Make and carry out recommendations for changes and clarification to the Bylaws of theBPCA

.• Review and update the Bylaws of the BPCA

• Assure that the procedures outlined in the Bylaws are followed at Board meetings and all other Club sponsored events.

• Assess and recommend changes necessary to keep the Bylaws of the BPCA up to date with changes in state laws and AKC policies

.• Continually review the BPCA’s Bylaws and recommend alterations to clarify, simplify and modernize the club’s operations.

• Implement Bylaw revisions once approved through the channels outlined.

• Oversee the administration of the BPCA’s Bylaws.(02/11/18)

Judges' Education Committee

The purpose of the Judges’ Education Committee is to educate current and aspiring judges in the evaluation of Berger Picards in the show ring according to the official AKC breed standard. The Committee shall consist of at least three members: a Chair and at least two other members chosen by the Chair and approved by the Board. The Committee will develop project ideas for Board approval, and design and produce audio/visual programs, articles and brochures as approved by the Board.

Responsibilities of the Chair

• Oversee the work of the Judges’ Education Committee

• Act as the Judges’ Education Coordinator to the AKC, the point of contact for judges’ education with the AKC and with judges and aspiring judges seeking information.

• Assume leadership in arranging for mentors, seminar speaker and materials, and work with the sponsoring club (when applicable) in making the arrangements for BPCA sponsored seminars.25

• Maintain Committee records

• Provide successor with all records and materials.

Qualifications and Protocol

• The Committee Chair shall be an organized, effective leader with good interpersonal skills and shall have been a BPCA member for at least 10 years and will have had at least 10 years of documented experience in showing and breeding Berger Picards, having bred at least 5 litters of Berger Picards, and produced at least 5 AKC Champions of Record from those litters.

• Each general Committee member (except the person defined in the previous bullet) shall have been a BPCA member for at least 6 years and shall have had at least 6 years of documented experience in showing and breeding Berger Picards, having bred at least 3litters of Berger Picards and produced at least 2 AKC Champions of Record from those litters or be licensed by the AKC to judge the Berger Picard.

• At least one of the three on this Committee shall have entirely bred/owner-handled aBerger Picard to an AKC conformation championship.


• Maintain a list of seminar speakers and tutors, selected by the Committee and approved by the Board, for presenting programs to judges and others around the country.

• Maintain a list of mentors, selected by the Committee and approved by the Board, for providing one-on-one mentoring to judges and aspiring judges.

• Maintain audio/visual programs, articles, brochures and seminar handouts which help illuminate and clarify the judging of Berger Picards in the conformation ring, according to the AKC approved breed standard.(02/11/18)

The Board of Directors of the BPCA endorses the Judges’ Education program(presentation, handouts, etc.) currently in use by the BPCA Judges’ Education Committee.(02/11/18)

The Judges’ Education program cannot be changed without recommendation from theJudges’ Education Committee along with Board approval (2/3rds majority).(02/11/18)

Legislative Committee

It is the responsibility of the Legislative Committee to collect, review and disseminate information to the Board and membership about pending legislation at all levels of government which concerns dogs and dog ownership. This includes legislation which positively as well as negatively impacts dogs and dog ownership.


• Review pending legislation.

• Draft position statements or correspondence for the Board of Directors to communicate to lawmakers on behalf of the Club.

• Draft position statements for use by the membership to communicate with lawmakers as individuals.

• Propose legislation beneficial to dogs and dog ownership

• Coordinate, review and disseminate information received from related canine legislature organizations.(02/11/18)

Membership Education Committee

We have no criteria for member ed. yet. 


The editor of the “Picardier” shall have an advisory committee of not less than three members, two of which must be Board members.(2/11/18)


The Picardier is the official newsletter of the Berger Picard Club of America and is published quarterly. Each issue shall educate, inform and support the Berger Picard community. 

Advisory Committee

The Editor of The Picardier shall have an Advisory Committee of not less than three members, two of which must be Board members. The Advisory Committee shall assist the Editor with issue content, publication, distribution and receive an advanced copy of each issue before publication to the membership.

Editor Responsibilities

The Editor is responsible for the content, design, layout and compilation of The Picardier.


Each issue shall be converted to a PDF file and shared with the membership through the club email discussion group. The Editor shall inform the membership when the issue is available, place the file in the Files Section and forward the file to the Corresponding Secretary for distribution to members who are not part of the email discussion group. Each issue shall be forwarded to all approved and provisional AKC judges.


The Picardier is published online only as a PDF document. There is no limit on number of pages. Advertising is not accepted.

Masthead and Club Logo

The masthead shall be placed on the first page of each publication and include the volume, number and issue name. The club logo must be prominently displayed on the front page.


Articles shall be timeless, educational, historical and informative. Human or dog interest stories will be included at the discretion of the Editor. Results from club sanctioned events will appear in the issue immediately following the event.

Copyright Policy

Original articles may be reprinted with permission of the Editor and the Author of the original material. Material used in articles from outside sources must have copyright permission from the original source. The wording “used by permission” and the source of the citation must be noted.


The following Disclaimer information shall be included in every issue: The Picardier is the official publication of the Berger Picard Club of America and is emailed to all current members. The opinions expressed in articles contained herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editor or the Officers and Directors of the Club. The Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all material submitted for publication. The Editor welcomes comments, suggestions and expressions of opinion from the readers.Original articles may be reprinted with the Editor’s permission.     (2/25/21)

Policy Committee

It is the responsibility of the Policy Committee to ensure that the BPCA’s policies, procedures, codes and standard of ethical conduct and behavior remain current for theBoard of Directors and the general membership.


• Make and carry out recommendations for changes and clarification to the Club’s policies, procedures, and codes.

• Review, maintain and update the policies, procedures, codes and standards.

• Assure that the content of these documents is accurate, current and pertinent for conducting Club business.

• Communicate any changes to the policies, procedures, codes and standards to the Board for approval.

• Implement the Club’s policies once approved.

• Oversee administration of the Club’s policies, procedures, codes and standards.(2/11/18)

BPCA Re-home website page

The BPCA re-home committee assists owners who no longer are able to care for their Berger Picard. We are a group of volunteers located in areas throughout the US that provide a local re-homing for your Berger Picard. We also provide an adoption policy that assures your Berger Picard will find a loving, permanent and safe home.

The primary mission of the Berger Picard Club of America Re-home Committee is to support the dedicated individuals and organizations, listed in our directory (forthcoming),who rescue Berger Picards in need of a permanent home.

All rescue volunteers use rescue documentation, premise and reference check adoptive homes, and spay/neuter if the Picard is of proper age and health appropriate. Many have a list of pre-approved and often Berger Picard-experienced homes waiting to adopt.

Additionally, the BPCA has agreed to provide reciprocal cooperation, through our BPCANational Re-home Chair, with the Berger Picard Club of Canada in assessing homes for dogs contemplated being sent to the US.

If you are looking for a rescued Berger Picard as a companion, our volunteers can be reached to discuss the possibility of a Picard joining you.

Help us protect the breed by keeping rehoming ads off the internet and social media.For assistance, please contact the National Re-home Chair.

BPCA Re-home Contact Committee

The BPCA establishes a Re-home Committee chaired by a National Re-homeCoordinator (NRC). Responds to inquiries from the public providing breed and rescue information.


• Arrange for reimbursement funds, with proper documentation. Maintain are reimbursement Journal, with monthly totals to be included in the committee board reports.

• Produce a Rescue Directory and keep the website directory up to date (forthcoming).

• Coordinate re-home help for owner/shelter, using local rescue contacts

• The BPCA will consider payment of up to $500.00 for medical costs, additional funds require Board approval. Reimbursement will then be authorized upon a veterinarian statement of spay/neuter and receipted bill. All requests for rescue reimbursement will be sent to the National Re-home Coordinator (NRC). Reimbursements are to be on a first come, first served basis until monies have been exhausted.

• With proper documentation, the NRC may reimburse gas mileage for rescuing Picards. 


• After receiving a request and a copy of the animal hospital bill, the NRC will approve the request.

• The NRC will direct the Treasurer to send a check directly to the animal hospital for the full approved amount.


• The NRC will communicate with the general public and the rescue volunteers, returning their phone calls/emails in a prompt, friendly manner.

• All new rescue volunteers applying to be listed in our Rescue Directory will be asked to supply the NRC with their rescue paperwork-primarily a Rescue Application, Release Form and Adoption Contract. Example forms will be made available through the NRC. The BPCA does not cover rescue volunteers with liability insurance.Removal from the Rescue Directory will be handled by the BPCA Board (in executive session).(02/11/18)