Interested in joining our club?

We welcome into membership those individuals who share the same goals as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws and adhere to the Member Code of Ethics. (Please read both documents before submitting an application for membership) 

As a member of the BPCA,  you will be part of an amazing group of like-minded individuals that have the breed's, and your, best interests at heart.  You will have the expertise handed down from generations of breeders and owners who can assist you with any questions you may have. You will be afforded educational opportunities from health issues to grooming and activities with your Picard.

The Berger Picard Club of America offers several levels of membership.

Junior Memberships include:

Non voting member
Subscription to the Picardier, our online newsletter
Access to Members Only Discussions group & Sharing
Access to Members Club Social Media
  • For ages 17 and under
  • Must be a citizen of the United States
  • Must be in good standing with the AKC
  • Must subscribe and adhere to the purposes of the club to promote and protect the Berger Picard
  • Must have 1 sponsor that is currently a voting member to complete the Member Sponsor Form.  If you do not know any BPCA members and need a sponsor, please reach out to membership chair BPCA Membership Chair

Associate and Foreign Memberships

Non voting member
Subscription to the Picardier, our online newsletter
Access to Members Only Discussions group & Sharing
Access to Members Club Social Media
  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • May be a citizen of US or foreign country
  • Must be in good standing with the AKC 
  • Must subscribe and adhere to the purposes of the club to promote and protect the Berger Picard
  • Must have 1 sponsor that is currently a voting member to complete the Member Sponsor Form.  If you do not know any BPCA members and need a sponsor, please reach out to anyone on the BPCA Board

Active Memberships also includes:

Able to hold office and have voting privileges
  • Associate member for at least 2 years
  • Must be a citizen of the United States
  • Must be in good standing with the AKC 
  • Must subscribe and adhere to the purposes of the club to promote and protect the Berger Picard
  • Must have 2 sponsors that are voting members that each complete the Active Member Sponsor Form 

Note: Please make sure that you are using the correct URL for this site when submitting your application. It is


For any questions, review our Membership FAQ's or Contact our Membership Chair, Patty Newgard.

For technical issues, contact us at

Membership FAQ's

The membership Chairperson will send you a letter, outlining the membership process and reiterating these FAQs. NOTE: If you do not receive a letter within 30days of submitting your application, please contact the membership chairperson to confirm its arrival.

In accordance with Club policy, your name will be forwarded to the Secretary for publication in the next set of club minutes for member comment. Those same pending applicants’ names, along with any member comments, are then presented to the Board of Directors for approval or rejection at the next Board meeting following the publication period. It can take up to 3 months or more, including the 30 day member comment period, before the application process can be completed.

No. Your application fee will be applied towards your membership dues if you are accepted, if not, your application fee will be refunded.

You will be notified by the club corresponding secretary once your application has been voted on by the board of the BPCA. You will receive a welcome letter which includes among other items, a copy of the club’s bylaws. The editor of the Picardier will send you a welcome campaign email consisting of the most current issue of the newsletter and information that will help you sign up on the club’s social media sites.

No, the BPCA offers individual memberships only. Memberships are non-transferable.

No, the BPCA does not offer subscriptions to the club magazine. The “Picardier” isavailable through membership only.

Club bylaws state that dues are: “payable on or before the first day of January of each year.” “In November, the Treasurer shall send to all members a statement of his/her dues for the ensuing year.” No membership privileges are afforded to those members while their dues remain unpaid.

This is covered in the bylaws under ARTICLE I: Membership: SECTION 4: Termination of membership (b) by lapsing: “A membership shall be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such member's dues remain unpaid thirty (30) days after the first day of the fiscal year; however, the board may grant an additional 30 day of grace to such delinquent members in meritorious cases. In no case may a person be entitled to vote whose dues are unpaid” This is why it is very important for members to send their change of address to the club treasurer.

The BPCA is able to accept PayPal transactions made payable to the club through itsPayPal account. This is the easiest method currently being used by foreign members, as dues are only payable in U.S. dollars. There are additional service/transactions fees that must be added to the total amount paid in order to utilize this method of payment. All requirements for payment methods accepted by U.S. banking institutions are listed for your convenience on the back of the dues notices each year.

By reapplying for the same type of membership status held before you lapsed.