Giving a Berger Picard a second chance
It is not common to see a Berger Picard. Even less so to find one in need of a forever home. Occasionally however, there are circumstances where there is such a need for one of these remarkable dogs. Each dog and situation is different. We are committed to making sure every dog for will be best matched with his/her forever home that fits the specific needs of that dog. You can help us make this process easier by answering honestly and completely the following questionnaire. Please do not hesitate to share any detail that might help everyone involved. There is no guarantee that we will be able to find a match. If there is a dog that we feel would be a good match based on the dog's information and yours we will contact you. We are here to help guide, support. and educate owners, potential adopters, and admirers of this wonderful breed. We also work hard to educate ourselves so that we can confidently place these wonderful dogs in the best homes possible for a happy and harmonious outcome. Post-adoption, we are available to help the owner and dog adjust to their new life together. Please note: It is important to list a phone number you can be reached at.
*IMPORTANT* The Berger Picard Club of America Rehome facilitates the rehoming of Berger Picards only. It is understood that the Berger Picard Club of America Rehome does not buy or sell dogs. This is a service ran by volunteers who have extensive experience very specific to the needs of a Berger Picard.
The BPCA is committed to the privacy of all people and animals at all times. At no time will any portion of the information provided to us be shared with any person, website, company or any other entity without the express permission from the original applicant, and then only with the express permission for the purpose of matching a Picard the rescue is seeking to help with to the potential adopter(s). The BPCS Rehome will contact the applicant's stated references for verification purposes only. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.
The Berger Picard Rehome Team
Please fill out this form honestly and completely in order to help ensure the best outcome for the dog to adapt to his/her new home.
* - Required Field
Please provide contact information for your primary veterinarian. If you use more than one vet, please use the last comment box to provide contact information for them.
Thank you for answering all the questions completely and honestly.
Please Press the "Submit" button only once. Multiple presses could result in additional submissions. If the "Submit" button appears to do nothing, please make sure you have answered all the required questions.
If you have any questions or concerns please email: Ailynn Knox-Collins
We lost a cherished member and recent board member Marcy Grauerholz to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease on Jan 5th, 2025. CJD is a rare degenerative nerve disorder of the brain, with no known treatment and terminal.
Review the 2023 Final AKC Berger Picard Stats vs Previous Years. Includes comparisons in registration counts, comformation, sports, breeders, litters and much more.
Check out the Sep/Oct edition of The Herding Digest where various Picards and BPCA Members are highlighted!