Finding A Puppy

How do you find the right breeder? 

You've fallen in love with the Berger Picard. You’ve waited years until you have a house of your own, and a fenced yard big enough to provide them room to run. You want to bring home the best Berger Picard puppy you can, but you’re not sure where to start. The BPCA is here to help you navigate through this and other questions. 

Reputable breeders are interested in producing sound healthy dogs. They have devoted much time in determining which dogs to use to produce the best possible offspring. They are concerned with structure, size, pedigree and disposition- the latter is important for continuance of desirable good temperament!  In their endeavor to produce dogs nearest to the accepted Breed Standard as defined by the Berger Picard Club of America.

The Berger Picard, just like all other breeds, does have some health issues that reputable breeders, are working to eliminate by carefully selected breeding. Breeding Pair, the hips should be checked for hip dysplasia at or after age 2. The eyes should be checked yearly for inherited problems, such as PRA. These results are listed on the OFA Website website under the dogs name and registration number.  If a dog's results are not on there, the breeder either did not do the testing or did not like the results. There are no known genetic markers at this time.

It is very common with this breed to be placed on a waiting list for a future breeding. If you put a deposit on a puppy, make sure you understand the refund policy. There are breeders who will NOT refund your deposit even if they do not have a puppy available for you.

Most breeders sell their puppies and dogs with some type of written contract. Contracts can be very basic, little more that a bill of sale or more typically require you to spay or neuter your puppy. Usually, a contract for a show or breed-able puppy will require you show the dog or even to give back a puppy from a future breeding. Ask for a sample contract, so you may study the wording and terms carefully. NEVER sign a contract you do not understand or are not completely comfortable with.

Many breeders choose a puppy for the new owners rather than let the buyer choose from all the puppies in the litter. Breeders may ask you many questions about your lifestyle and needs in order to best match personalities and temperaments.

Ask the breeder if your puppy will be checked by a veterinarian, wormed for internal parasites, vaccinated, and if the litter has been registered. The breeder should provide you with this information as well as the registered names and individual registration numbers of the sire (father) and the dam (mother), the date of the puppy’s birth, the name of the breeder, and the litter registration number.

However, in fairness to breeders and buyers alike, the BPCA does not endorse any particular breeder, and cannot be held responsible for any purchase agreement, guarantee, or understanding between breeders and buyers. As with any purchase, you should check references, visit potential breeders, and evaluate options before you buy a puppy.